Radio 1 DJ Gemma Cairney unveils new : ‘Body Of Songs’ project


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Body of Songs is a groundbreaking music and science experiment that brings together Britain’s most talented musicians to create a remarkable collection of songs, inspired by our inner workings; the mysterious organs of the body.


Three more of Britain’s most innovative music creators explore an organ of the body to inspire new music: Afrikan Boy (feat. Bumi Thomas and Adio) has chosen the blood, Dave Okumu the heart and Mara Carlyle with Max De Wardener the Kidney.


These sublime tracks inspired by the body’s organs follow the acclaimed launch of Body of Songs’ first three celebrated music artists Natasha Khan (Bat For Lashes), Ghostpoet and drum n’ bass legend Goldie.


Through incredible access to specialist clinicians and scientists –  making observations in the operating theatre, meeting with alternative health experts and patients at varying stages of illness and ogling body parts in special museum collections –  each artist has developed a knowledge and feel for their chosen organ. This is then transformed into an original composition to reflect both their experiences and personal relationship to these hidden parts of the body.


The results are incredible; from the moving, cinematic landscape of Dave Okumu’s ‘Grateful Heart’, to Afrikan Boy’s compelling marriage between the UK and Africa in ‘Eje Aiye’, right through to the hauntingly beautiful ‘Follow Me Through’ from Mara and Max: each song presents an exceptional interpretation of its organ subject.


Each song explores through sound, harmony, emotion, personal history and science, the peculiar ways in which we understand our bodily systems.


The artists’ scientific journeys have been guided with help from inspirational clinician, Professor Hugh Montgomery, Director of the UCL Institute for Human Health and Performance.


With a line-up of incredible artists, curated by Gemma Cairney (Radio 1), Llywelyn Ap Myrrdin (composer) and Beth Clayton the remaining four songs and body organs from musicians at the peak of their creative powers will be released ahead of the final album in summer 2015.


Body Of Songs is supported by the Welcome Trust and Arts Council England. With special thanks to University College London Hospital and the NHS.


Listen to the latest 3 songs here:


Afrikan Boy Feat. Bumi Thomas and Adio – Eje Aiye


Dave Okumu – Grateful Heart


Mara Carlyle and Max De Wardener – Kidney

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