The Blonds once again ignited the stage at New York Fashion Week with their mesmerizing Spring Summer 2024 collection, titled...
DistracTV’s Gita Cellei captures a moment with the legendary Ty Hunter at The Blonds NYFW 2023. Ty Hunter, a renowned...
This season as per usual the blonds gave us phonomial show, but this time we were graced with Daphne Guinness....
We catch up with rappers Cardi B and Trina as they hang out together at The Blonds SS18 show at...
The Blonds yet again put on a marvellous show. The show everyone talks bout, the press raves about and the...
Gita Cellei catches up with Kelly Osbourne, Nigel Barker and Ty Hunter at the Blonds NY fashion week 2016 ....