The Subways are an English rock band. Their debut album, Young for Eternity, was released on 4 July 2005 in the UK and 14 February 2006 in the U.S. We meet these crazy rockers back stage at Exclusive Save The Children- Christmas Jumper Jam.
The Subways appeared during the seventh episode of the third season of The O.C, “The Anger Management“, performing two songs at the music venue ‘the Bait Shop’,
Money and Celebrity is the third studio album by subways released on 18 September 2011. The making of the album was fan funded with fans pledging on exclusive offers made by the band through their PledgeMusic campaign. A percentage of money made was donated to charity (Clic Sargent)- important charity angle
‘The Subways’ is being released in 2 Parts. It´s 100% The Subways as we did everything, including producing and mixing, ourselves! (Check out the video as we explain all about it!
The Subways – My Heart Is Pumping To A Brand New Beat (Official Video)
The Subways New Album is due for release February 2015
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