We caught up with Aussie Indie, Pop star Josh Pyke for a Quick fire round Q & A. Josh Pyke will release his new single “Leeward Side” out in the UK on 20th Oct.
1.Who is Josh Pyke (three words only)
not THE god.
2.Your music has been described as Aussie Indie pop – would you agree with this?
I don’t know. I sing with my own accent and have been signed to indie labels my whole career. I’m arguably reasonably “pop”- ular in some circles. At the end of the day I just write and record music that I enjoy listening to; I gave up trying to define myself a long time ago.
3.Who are you listening to right now?
Literally right now I’m listening (via Spotify) to another Australian act, a friend of mine and a great artist. Apart from that I’m always listening to The National, Okkervil River, and actually a fair bit of Drake lately.
checkout Drake:
Drake – Hold On, We’re Going Home ft. Majid Jordan
4. If you could work with any Singer/Producer or band in the industry currently who would it be and why?
I love the Shins, so probably James Mercer. I love his lyrics, but also his production ideas on those early indie records were beautiful.
5. Pick two Celebrities to be your parents – Who?
I reckon if Tom Selleck and Chuck Norris had a love child, it’d come out looking a bit like me. Not very flattering, but I’d be pretty tough.
6. Rate yourself(s) on a scale of 1-10?
taking all things into account, across every form of judgment, i’d say 8.4.
7. What’s your favourite movie of all time?
The Goonies.
8. If Hollywood made a movie about your life who would you like to see play the lead role as you?
Any number of bearded troubadours.
9. If you could trade places with another person for a week- famous or non famous/living or dead / real or fictional who would it be?
Rick, from the Walking Dead. I’d just like to know if I’d make it in a post apocalyptic landscape.
10. Sydney or London?
I’ve had many opportunities to leave for good, and never have, so I’d say Sydney.
11. Longest time you’ve gone without- A shower/brushing your teeth/ any gigs/events planned for this / next year?
I’m assuming this is a strange typo and is actually 2 questions accidentally rolled into one. BUT, I’ll answer as if it’s one question by saying “3 days/2days/4 months/yes/yes.”
12. Finally: you have over 27K and counting followers on Twitter- what’s the most bizarre message/ tweet you have received from a fan so far?
A young guy pleaded with me to ask one of the kids from 5 Seconds of Summer to follow him on Twitter. I had to tell him that i didn’t really know them, and couldn’t help him. It actually made me feel like I’d really let him and the Republic of Twitter down.
Where can we find you?
Touring through the UK in October/November, and then enjoying Summer in Australia!
Here’s a mysterious semi-stop motion video for track “Leeward Side”
The track is taken from new album “The Beginning And The End Of Everything”, his fourth Top 10 Album in his native Australia. Josh is touring the UK this October / November with Pylo as support, following his tours with Passenger and Emma Pollock.
The new album The Beginning And The End Of Everything, which hit #7 in the ARIA Album Chart back home amidst more than one sell-out tour of Australia, explores ideas of desire, death and legacy. For Josh these are the beginning and the end of all decisions made in his life and, as with previous albums, a record of a period of time in his life. Recorded with John Castle (The Bamboos, Washington and The Drones), Josh regards The Beginning And The End Of Everything as his most personal release to date.
Josh Pyke returns to the UK supported by Pylo, one of the new breed of young British bands unafraid of soaring melodies, heartfelt vocals, heart on the sleeve emotions and making the kind of joyful racket that fits the bill everywhere from the smallest club to the biggest festival. Described aptly by Q Magazine as “grand-gestured chill-out rock with amped-up vocals that fans of Shearwater and Snow Patrol will fawn over” Pylo are currently working on their debut album for release in 2015, but in the meantime fans can enjoy the stadium-shoe-gazey rock n’ roll of both Bellavue EP and The Woman EP on Naim Edge Records. Watch the video for Young here: http://youtu.be/jbgrAMFrhws
Josh Pyke has become one of Australia’s most beloved and recognisable singer songwriters thanks to his ability to craft intelligent pop music with uniquely Australian influences and experiences; this is a unique and intimate opportunity to catch Josh Pyke solo and acoustic.
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