*Subservience*, directed by S.K. Dale, offers a tense and gripping sci-fi thriller that dives deep into a future where AI...
In a captivating portrayal of Luther Vandross’s illustrious career and personal struggles, “Luther: Never Too Much” is set to hit...
BushBash Recordings is set to unveil its inaugural feature-length documentary, 'The Story So Far,' directed by none other than UK Garage pioneer MC Bushkin himself, alongside emerging filmmaker Emediareel. Premiering on April 30th, 2024, at London's Genesis Cinema, this event promises an unforgettable fusion of cinema and sound.
We meet the Directors behind ‘Swede Caroline’ Brook Driver and Finn Bruce. In this British Mockumentary, the competitive giant vegetable...
HERO explores “The Extraordinary Life & Times of Mr. Ulric Cross”. Set in 1941, the film follows Cross played by ikolai Salcedo, a...
It’s confirmed Jordan Peele is producing a remakeof Wes Craven’s 1991 horror, The People Under The Stairs. According to Collider, The Get Out director has...