We catchup with GROOVY Rinse FM House DJ Jamie George for a quick Q & A. Jamie has worked hard to develop and grow as an artist and song writer, which has lead him to be in high demand.
Q.So to KICK it all off who is Jamie George? in three words only
Curly //Haired// Fool
Q.Who did you grow up listening to and what are you listening to right now?
I grew up listening to a lot of Hip Hop as a kid, I was very into the whole culture, I lived and breathed it, my friends and I had our own Wu-Tang Clan haha. My parents listened to a lot of rare groove, neo-soul, house and reggae, so I was surounded by that also. Then as I got a little older I was taken in by the energy of UK club culture with Jungle & Breaks and then Garage. I still listen to all of those genres now, but if I’m honest, noting beats the War of the Worlds musical soundtrack on a long drive, or some classical while getting some emails done. The one artist that never leaves my i-pod though is Eric Roberson.
I’d say when it comes to music I’m hugely open minded, I like to move with the times but always reflect back, as it helped make me who I am. Basically, I just listen to what I like.
Q.Your Big hair is one of your features now-how important is your look and how much time goes into it?
My hair is just my hair, I hated it as a kid, but I’ve never been able to change it, I used to have it braided which was the worst idea ever, so I had to just embrace the curls. I don’t actually think about it at all and never thought it would be or planned it to be something i’m associated with regards to my music. I’d rather the music or my personality speak for itself, but it’s fun I guess, it’s a connection with people. Zero effort goes into though, I wash it, and it drys.
Q. If you could work with any Singer/Producer or Rapper on a record who would it be and why?
There would be too many if the pot was endless, but I’m a fan of SBTRKT and I’d love to do a project with Mike Skinner. I’ve been very lucky so far though with who I’ve worked with along the years, so I can’t be greedy!
Q. Pick two Celebrities to be your parents- Who?
My own parents are like celebrities to me, so unfortunately I’m going to be a cop out and say them. I’d maybe have Penny Crayon as a Aunty though, so she could just draw me whatever I wanted and it come to life, for example, a slice of cake or some rocket boots.
Q. Rate yourself(s) on a scale of 1-10?
If we’re talking about making tea or poached eggs, then I’m an 8/9
Q. If Hollywood made a movie about your life who would you like to see play the lead role as you?
Peter Griffin or Randy Marsh
Q.If You could trade places with another person for a week- famous or non famous/living or dead / real or fictional who would it be?
Bugsy Malone, Spiderman or Willy Wonka
Q. Whats the longest time you’ve gone without- A shower/brushing your teeth on the road?
Teeth have to be done daily, I don’t care if it’s in the street, out a car window or in a club, shower though, I got to be honest and say there have been some touch and go moments where I’ve had to get the wet wipes out in a service station or in a car park or something.
Q.Any gigs/events planned for this / next year?
Yes, Gig wise I’m all over, either by myself or with Roska, we’ve got more Roska presents events going on plus some festival dates and I’m looking forward to playing at Rainbow Venues for their 20th Anniversary in April. All my upcoming dates are on my facebook page though.
Q. Where can we find you (YouTube/Facebook/ Sound cloud etc.)?
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